It's purpose is to provide you the consumer, with an innovative and effortless method of donating your old clothes or goods to Goodwill, (non-profit charity) INSIDE of the box you just received with our goods in. This in turn, helps maximize worldwide donation of household items as well as reduce the waste of eCommerce by recycling packaging items normally sent to a landfill.
Their motto is "No Box Left Behind" and the company's mission is to perpetuate a paradigm shift in the shopping arena, particularly online, to generate charitable donation on a massive scale.
What does VOSQ Clothing Co. get out of this?
Creating quality streetwear products is not enough to affect our environment in a positive way. So, in each package we mail, we will be placing pre-paid shipping labels in each VOSQ shipment and it is our hope that, our lead will inspire you to affect your environment.

1) You get a little good karma while shopping by donating your goods in convenient way free of cost.
2) Reduced waste, recycling a box normally sent for a landfill as well as giving clothes & goods to people who need them.
1) Unpack your fresh Vosq Clothing Co. merchandise from the box it was sent in and obtain the pre-paid shipping label.
2) Fill the box with your old gear or goods, that either no longer fit or you no longer need.
3) Attach the pre-paid shipping label provided to the box and ship as usual.
Boom! That's it, you've just succeeded in improving the life of someone else as well as reducing your own carbon footprint.
If you have any other questions: Tax Deductions, Shipping Questions, etc.
Here's the link for the